Friday, March 26, 2010

Research Paper

What is your topic for the research paper? How does this topic currently impact American culture (or another country, if that's where you're going with this)? How is your book/show/movie different from all of the other books/shows/movies out there like it? How is it unique? What specific cultural issue will you be addressing in your research essay and why is it relevant TODAY?

I chose the 1972 film The Godfather for my topic for the research paper. This movie has been very influential in various aspects of American culture, it is still current even after 30 years and it displays family values, the corruption that power can have, and the effects of life in crime. This movie is completely different from other movies like it because it essentially created a genre, the gangster movie genre. Every movie since it has tried to measure up to The Godfather (and in my opinion failed). It swayed audiences from thinking mafia movies had to be filled with violence and could actually have a deeper message. I'm not entirely sure yet which specific cultural issue I want to write about but I definitely want to write about the impact it had on Hollywood.

1 comment:

  1. I have never actually seen the Godfather, surprisingly! It's been on my to-do list forever haha but I do know that it is very influential on people in America. It sounds like it is the root of movies based on gangsters and I think you will have a lot to write about in your paper. The only thing is that I am not sure how to help you plan a specific cultural issue because I am not sure, myself, how to do my own. So hopefully in class Tuesday we can get some help to get us on the right track. Once we understand entirely what we are writing about then it should lighten our stress a bit.
