Friday, February 26, 2010

Rhetoric in the Media

"What did you think was the most effective type of media in presenting an aspect of rhetoric? Would you have chosen a different media source if you could for the rhetorical analysis project? Why or why not?"

I think the most effective type of media to present rhetoric is through video. Video is the most dynamic style of media in that it can incorporate sound, images and text all at once. This versatility allows the producer ample flexibility and options to sway the viewer. If I had a way to record and edit video here on campus I definitely would have used this style of media on my rhetorical analysis project.


  1. I totally agree, it is easiest to display what you want your audience to capture through stimulating as many senses as you can at once

  2. I also agree. Video is the most similar to real life. I would have also used video in my rhetorical analysis project if i had access to a video camera and a editing program. i believe that you can feel the most emotion through video also.

  3. @Blake, yea I totally agree, video seems to be one of the best ways to convay emotion. Not necessarily logic though.
